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Saskatoon Livestock Sales Specialty Sales // 

Saskatoon Livestock Sales Specialty Sales // 

Saskatoon Livestock Sales Specialty Sales // 

Regular Sales follow Presorts– Regular Sale receiving Monday & Thursday 8AM- Midnight.

Please Prebook Presort Cattle and Bred Cows. Presort Cattle received until 4pm Monday & Thursday.

Calendar of Events

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Bred Cow & Heifer Sale

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Saskatoon Livestock Sales All Breeds Pre-Sorted Calf Sales // 

Saskatoon Livestock Sales All Breeds Pre-Sorted Calf Sales // 

Saskatoon Livestock Sales All Breeds Pre-Sorted Calf Sales // 

Saskatoon Livestock Sales take pride in sorting your calves so they optimize their full market value. Sorting cattle is an art and SLS’s long time employees certainly have the talent in sorting cattle. The producers cattle look their very best in the sale ring, capturing the utmost attention of the cattle buyer. The buyers who attend Saskatoon Livestock Sales Pre-Sorted cattle auctions like the way the cattle are sorted in Saskatoon, and frequently comment how tight the sorts are and how good they look in the ring. The buyers are confident that the SLS sorted cattle can go on to their customers , the feedlots, and will feed well as a pen.

The benefits of selling cattle at an SLS Pre-sort:

  • SLS has some of the industry’s leading sorting staff.
  • The SLS pre-sort sale is conducted very quickly and efficient, 2500-3000 head sold in 2 1/2 hours.
  • The cattle buyers have all their cattle bought and loaded out in a very short time frame.
  • Selling your cattle in load lots enables the buyer to source cattle in big volumes, this is very beneficial to the buyer as well.
  • Marketing large groups of cattle drafts, can bring premium prices.
  • Your cattle are in and out of the market and placed in the feedlot in a shorter period of time.
  • Your cattle are weighted off truck, with a graduated pencil shrink and then put into freshly bedded feed an water pens. Producers have indicated that this is their preference when it comes to shrink conditions.

Graduated pencil Shrink Schedule:

  • 0-25 miles – 3.5%
    26-50 miles -3%
    51-75 miles – 2.5%
    76-100 miles – 2%
    101-125 miles- 1.5%
    126-150 miles – 1%
    151-175 miles – .5%
    176 miles + – 0%

WE ASK YOU BOOK YOUR CALVES IN PRIOR TO THE SALE, this will allow SLS to manage the total cattle numbers per sale. To consign your calve, phone Saskatoon Livestock Sales.
